Thursday, 17 March 2011

Welcome to your E-book education

There is no use kicking and screaming like a 2 year old in the throes of a marathon tantrum, the ebook revolution is here for better or worse. While every author’s ultimate dream is to sniff the glue binding the crisp, off-white pages of their very first glossy covered masterpiece, the reality is that most of us will never write a book that exactly fits a publisher’s idea of a main stream, sellable novel. However, with almost 9 million searches per month for ‘e-books’ on Google and 2.5 million searches for ‘free e-books’, we would be out of our minds not to capitalise on this digitisation of our industry.

Now, I’m one of the first to admit I’m a bit iffy about reading a novel off a screen. The weight, the buttons, the multiple formats it just doesn’t seem, well, natural. But with the fall of bookstore greats like Borders and (in Australia) Angus and Robertson, and the gates of publishing houses firmly closing on unpublished authors, it’s ridiculous to believe the old model of getting published is going to work in this digital age. So I decided it was time to part the fingers I had been holding vice like across my eyes and start figuring this mess out.

And it IS a mess. All new and scattered, the information is there IF you have a lot of time to trawl and you look in the right place. Fortunately I have been lucky enough to have time and direction. I have researched and gathered, join courses which have cost the better part of three around the world plane tickets, and come up with several bags full of golden notes. But as all writers know a bag full of notes is about as useful as a Mardi Gras parade without lady boys; without organisation (or lady boys...) it just doesn’t make sense.

So this blog is all about making SENSE of the MADNESS. Over 31 days I am going to put it all together, one puzzle piece at a time, so I can sort things out and see if it makes sense not only to me but to YOU. And I want you to learn as I learn, you to discover as I discover, because let’s face it, we all need a path and without a light to guide us we are lost.

This blog will cover everything, from readying your manuscript, to e-publishing, to marketing and social networking. EVERYTHING! All in 31 days. A breakdown of the general topics I am hoping to sensibly cover is below.
                                                                  Get ready writers.
                                            THE EBOOK REVOLUTION IS HERE.

                                 The first brick in the path to EBOOK SUCCESS will be laid
                                                               APRIL 10th 2011.
So join me, April 10th for the month long education we ALL need but NOBODY has been able to teach us!

THE 4 UMBRELLAS – Under which we are going to discover HOW TO MAKE THIS WORK!

1: The Situation – What is the reality of publishing in the 21st century? What are the advantages of e-books and the perceived disadvantages (which really, aren’t that bad!).
2: The Opportunities – To new, emerging and published authors. Even to agents and the traditional publishers themselves!
3: The Creation - How to mould your book into one that is the best it can be! Create your ‘Proposal’(authors who want to be accepted in publishing houses, this is also a BIG one for you). Here you will learn how to apply self editing and how to use the FREE e-publishing software with me.
4: The Hype – For traditional and e-book authors!!! How do you market, or create a community around your work? How can we capitalise on social media? How do we make our book offer irresistible? Unique?
5: MYSTERY BONUS INFORMATION for subscribers (Register in the top right hand corner of the blog!) at the end of the 31 day blog. Not quite sure exactly what it will contain, but the journey of discovery is what this blog is all about!

 The first brick in the path to EBOOK SUCCESS will be laid APRIL 10th 2011.


  1. Hi, sounds like a very interesting well thought out plan.


  2. Thanks Arthur,

    This is a long time in the making. I hope you will join me for the journey :)


  3. Great idea (and very generous of you!) to put all that info together to help other writers benefit :-) The blogging community of writers really is super supportive!

  4. I look forward to seeing the ebook!

    Lara Sterling

  5. Rachel Morgan told me about your blog and upcoming project. I'm so looking forward to your posts. And I really think it's very generous and very kind of you to do this. Thank you! (I hope you're pinging so you show up on blog rolls -

  6. Good luck!

    Let us at know if there is any way we can help...

    Thank you for following us on twitter.


  7. Hi,

    This is a great idea for a blog and I can see it becoming a rich pool of information for those of us who are considering ditching the traditional route of publishing and embracing the e-book revolution.

    I've just started my own blog where I plan to document my account of embracing the e-book: To Kindle Or Not To Kindle -

    I look forward to April 10th!

  8. Will definitely follow your posts!

  9. Well, so far I like. Let's see if this can help many authors out there.


  10. That sounds like a good idea, waiting to see what is coming up next!

  11. count me in - have just started on the ebook trail but a well put together plan would make life so much easier!!! thank you in advance for this

  12. Hi Everyone,

    Not a problem! I have been dealing with so much frustration trying to find a way through over the past couple of months. If there's nothing out there I'm going to make it myself!

    Kittie can you tell me, what is pinging? I went to the site but could not make heads or tails of it.

    Just to let you know there has been some technical glitches with getting the interview up but it will be in your hands real soon!!!



  13. think you're mixing up your s's and z's

  14. Hey Joem,

    Are you refering to blog post spelling? Are you perchance from America? I'm Australian, a lot of words Americans spell with z's we spell with s's in Australia :) I think that was what you were getting at...



  15. I found this blog via you adding me on twitter, have you checked out my blog? Everyone is welcome to view it, follow, comment...

    I look forward to seeing this blog updated, following :)

  16. Sorting out eBooks?

    Seth Godin would approve. His big publisher's lunch seminar almost exactly mirrored what you're doing here.

    Will this blog report daily?


  17. Hi Jonathan,

    That is exactly what will be happening. As of the 10th of April, I will blog a post a day for 31 days.

    Glad your on board!

  18. Hi Austin,

    Thanks for joining in! I'm so surprised at the response to this blog, and have gotten fantastic replies from so many people. I'm slowly working my way through everyone's blogs, yours in on the list. Why not post the link to it here so others can check it out as well :) Give us a brief run down on what it's about :)



  19. God Jonathan!

    My apologies! 'You're' not 'your'!

    Rookie mistake!

  20. I've been a supporter of ebooks and this digital revolution for quite a while now, and decided that indie publishing was the right avenue for me. Getting my first novel Pariah published was a relatively simple process. My problem always seems to be marketing -- sure, I can write and publish, but getting people to notice and take the time to read is another story. This begs an important question - how do you get noticed on today's Internet?

    I work with a writing group in my area and most of our research and commentary on this topic has found its way to the Greater Portland Scribists blog. I'm quite interested to see the results of the research you've done.

    - Jamie

  21. Really looking forward to reading and taking notes!!!

    I've just started a new blog myself. It's not much now, but I'm hoping that it grows into something worth following/reading.

  22. Sorry.... I meant to post the URL for my blog.

  23. Hi Em

    This sounds brilliant - I have been surfing to find out how to do the formatting for e-pub. Unfortunately I couldn't download your video due to copyrights in my country (Malawi)!!!! I will ask my internet provider why. Great idea and look forward to the journey

  24. Hi Micki,

    Let's see, if you register hopefully you will be able download the audio interview no problem which will help you heaps. As for the video about it's nothing special, just a regular user download. However look at YouTube and type socialnomics - I think the one I uploaded above is 4:26 seconds and is socialnomics (Refresh 2) I believe the name is. Hopefully your net provider can help more! So excited to have reached people as far as Malawi! Thanks for coming on board!



  25. And by nothing special, I meant that it shouldn't be copyrighted, not that it isn't totally worth a watch!


  26. EmC Ha ha re your / you're. How do I contact you behind the scenes? (I have an idea for my 50,000+ twitter followers.)


  27. Hi Jonathan,

    just a simple ebookrevolution at yahoo dot com
    or you can just register and reply to the email address :)

    Looking forward to having a chat.



  28. I signed up after following you on Twitter. This looks like you plan to offer some excellent advice. My first ebook is scheduled for release this August through MuseItUP Publishing. For anyone who is published and would like to be spotlighted, I offer author interviews on my blog, many of whom are epublished. (

  29. Thanks Penny,

    That sounds really interesting. Will check it out sometime soon. Is it a self publishing ebook company you are going through?



  30. Sheila,

    I am very excited about this idea. I have been thinking about making ebooks for the homeschooling environment and using some of my blog entries for that.

    Your information will help me greatly.



  31. Hi there Rebecca,

    I'm Em (writing the blog), Sheila is my expert :) and a fantastic one at that. She has been in the writing and marketing field for a long time and I was very lucky that she agreed to do the interview with me :) I'm glad you enjoyed her information, I'm sure she would love to hear that you got so much out of her information.

    Thanks for joining us on the journey.


